Fifteen Years Ago… | #PrayForNewtown

Fifteen years ago, David and I were house-hunting in Connecticut. Our considerations included age of home, size of home, affordability and proximity to New York City.

There are a handful of houses that I remember seriously considering. One was a newly built white colonial. I remember its beautiful, enormous front porch. It was up on a hill in a lovely, family-oriented neighborhood. It met all of our needs, except it was a little farther from the city than other homes we were considering. We ultimately decided the reach was just too far and settled where we are today, in Danbury.

That beautiful, white colonial was is Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

Lila, age seven, is currently in second grade and Caleb, nine, is in fourth.

I picked Lila and Caleb up from their Danbury school on Friday and Caleb asked why there was a police car on campus.

We went home and spent the evening being normal – the five of us, together and safe.

We’ve continued to stick to our normal weekend routine, but all the while David and I think of the families who are no longer together. Caleb went on a school field trip on Saturday and Dave chaperoned. The bus went directly through the town of Newtown. As we learn the names, we realize, although indirectly, we have connections to some of them.

Our hearts are heavy, our minds confused.

We pray for the families in Sandy Hook.

7 Replies to “Fifteen Years Ago… | #PrayForNewtown”

  1. I grew up in Danbury and was in the drum corps (as an adult) associated with the firehouse in Sandy Hook where the children were being picked up on Friday. I have seen people I grew up with being talked to as well as in the background on TV during the coverage of this horrific tragedy (Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton was one year ahead of me in DHS, for example). Many of my high school classmates moved to the Newtown/Sandy Hook area after they got married and had kids. So, I was petrified that one of them might have lost a child. None of them did. But, 20 other families are mourning the deaths of their babies today as well as 6 families of the women who died trying to protect them and their classmates.

    I know there is no answer to the “why” question. And, even if their was, no answer would be enough. My heart aches for those families. As T1D parents, losing our child to the disease is the scariest thing we deal with. We live with that every day. With T1D we have answers, though. These parents have no answers; only anguish and despair. It truly is heartbreaking.

    To think that your children might have gone to Sandy Hook Elementary must be scary. (((HUGS))) ❤ I'm sure that makes this that much harder for you. 😦

  2. I too drive through Newtown often and I too am learning my friends are connected to those affected on Friday. I’m not sure I’ve quite wrapped my head around it yet . . . . I’m not sure it’s even possible to. Much love to you and your family!!

  3. I thought of you immediately on Friday. I wondered if you know any of the precious ones lost too soon or their families. Many prayers going up here for you all there, in Newtown and the entire extended community. Love you all .

  4. I immediately thought of you and your family on Friday when I heard about the tragedy – I even checked your fb page to see if that was your town.

  5. Lo, your post on FB about the school in lockdown was the first I heard of what was about to transpire. Like super storm Sandy, these are things we are used to hearing about from across the country, even the world and not so close to home. I can’t get these families out of my mind and wish so much that they find the peace and love they need to move on.

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